KoshiraeIt is not an exaggeration to say that Koshirae in Japanese swords embodies all the artistic craftsmanship of its time. Alongside the...
DAITOUKENICHI"DAITOUKENICHI” is a major sword trading event in Japan organized by the Zentosho(全国刀剣商業協同組合) since 1988 (Showa 63). Over 70 sword shops...
Sō tsutomu(宗勉)Sō tsutomu(宗勉) was born in Fukuoka in the 2nd year of the Shōwa era (1927). He studied under his father, Sō masamitsu(宗正光), starting from...
Muramasa (村正)Although it has now left my hands, it has given me an opportunity to contemplate the significance of artifacts, including this Japanese...