Mumei (Sue Miahra) - 無銘(末三原) NBTHK Hozon
Mumei (Sue Miahra)
NBTHK Hozon Paper
The Mihara school(三原派) is divided into "Ko-Mihara(古三原)" for the period from the late Kamakura period(鎌倉時代末期) to the Nanboku-cho period(南北朝時代), and "Sue-Mihara(末三原)“ for the works from the late Muromachi period(室町時代末期) onwards. It is said that swordsmiths from Yamato, such as Masaie(正家) from the Yamato Tegai school(大和手掻系), migrated and passed down their sword-making techniques. The artistic style of the Mihara school strongly reflects the Yamato tradition, and they have consistently maintained that style throughout the ages.